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What is the difference between IPL, OPT, intense pulsed light and photorejuvenation?

Time : 2019-09-30 Hits : 157

Photon Rejuvenation = Strong Pulse Light = IPL

Photon rejuvenation is called Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), which is a powerful pulse light. It is not a laser, but a broad-spectrum light wave that can cover multiple absorption peaks such as melanin, oxidized hemoglobin, and water. The theoretical basis is the selective photothermal action.

To put it simply, if it is done properly, the photo-rejuvenation technique is a combination of the beauty of the skin and the bloody skin! And with its bio-stimulating effect, it can also stimulate the regeneration of collagen and regulate the secretion of oil, thereby improving skin texture such as sagging, wrinkles and enlarged pores. What makes the beauty of the beauty is that, as a non-invasive beauty technology, it has the characteristics of quick operation and follow-up. It persists for a long time, and the skin regains white tenderness without knowing it. It is called “lunch beauty”...


OPT=Perfect Pulse Technology

OPT is a big leap in photon skin rejuvenation technology, which greatly expands the application range of IPL technology. Compared with traditional photorejuvenation, photon rejuvenation technology with the core of OPT technology has superior efficacy and safety.

OPT is a uniform square wave that can effectively control the whole process of treatment: eliminate the energy peak of the initial part beyond the therapeutic energy, improve safety; avoid the subsequent pulse energy attenuation and can not reach the treatment interval, improve the clinical effectiveness Sex.

In short, OPT has got rid of the drawbacks of traditional photorejuvenation, so that doctors can apply the widest range of energy and pulse width so that the treatment is more effective, and the beauty is safer to receive treatment, which can effectively avoid the thermal damage of the invalid spectrum to the skin. To reduce the risk of burns and make the skin rejuvenation treatment more gentle and enjoyable.


Use of photorejuvenation

Red blood

The blue-green band of intense pulsed light can be selectively absorbed by hemoglobin contained in red blood cells, which produces a strong photothermal effect in an instant, and the heat is transmitted to the endothelial cells of the capillaries. If the heat is long enough, the blood vessels will coagulate. Denature (similar to the process of steaming chicken cake). Capillaries that lose their contraction and diastolic function after deformation are decomposed and absorbed by the body's phagocytic system and gradually eliminated.

2. Freckles

The advent of intense pulsed light has made an epoch-making transformation in the treatment of freckles and freckles.

The principle of treatment of intense pulsed light is "selective photothermolysis." The photon's energy is only selectively absorbed by the pigment body in the freckles, and the blasting effect is shattered in an instant. Crushed melanin dust or detached with dandruff, or phagocytized by macrophages and excreted with the lymphatic circulation. The skin after intense pulsed light treatment is not more afraid of the sun than before.

Most patients only need 2-5 times, 3 weeks apart, to completely say goodbye to freckles/freckles. But be sure to develop a good habit of sun protection, so as not to grow new freckles.


3. Acne, acne marks, large oil fields

The strong light can be specifically absorbed by the sebaceous glands, thereby reducing the enlarged glands, restoring the original volume, improving the lipid overflow state, and reducing the pores;

It can decompose the blackhead of the hair follicle mouth, making the hair follicle mouth smooth, which is conducive to the smooth removal of the contents;

It can stimulate the synthesis of protoporphyrin of Acne bacillus, and cause photosensitivity reaction, thereby killing Acne bacillus;

Has a strong light tone effect, can eliminate local inflammation, promote the elimination of erythema, imprint, telangiectasia;

Strong light can help collagen regeneration and rearrangement of the dermis, which is conducive to the recovery of acne scars.

The advantages of photorejuvenation

Only mild pain during surgery;

Short treatment time, 15-20 minutes per treatment;

Fast recovery after the operation, no error period, long-lasting treatment and superposition;

Non-exfoliating physical therapy, high directionality, accurate auction site, no damage to surrounding tissues and skin accessory organs;

Adapt to different skin conditions, safe and effective, no damage to the skin.

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